Winter's Tails: How to make the most of jogging with the dog


THERE WAS a flash of dayglo yellow and then the sound of heavy breathing...

Someone had obviously been watching the London Marathon and now felt inspired to pound the streets with all the vigour of a budding Mo Farah. Cue Chariots Of Fire music.

In truth, the jogger in his shiny Lycra running suit and dazzling white trainers cut quite a dashing fi gure as he widened his stride with majestic ease. It was the poor cocker spaniel trailing in his wake on a lead stretched tight as piano wire that sent my pulse racing. If only I had the energy to run after him to bring him to heel.

Jogging with dogs is becoming a regular spectacle on Britain’s streets, yet I am increasingly annoyed at the sight of poor creatures getting dragged along by over-energetic owners or, worse still, watching a breathless animal scampering for all its worth to keep up with a cyclist steering nonchalantly with one hand and pulling their pet on its lead with the other.

Obviously, exercising with dogs can be a force for good in our pet-friendly, keep-fit obsessive age. Combining the two pursuits simultaneously is certainly time-saving and, if done responsibly and with the pet’s best interests at heart, will ensure both owner and animal get a healthy workout. Note my emphasis on the pet.

As Walk Your Dog Week comes to an end today, I asked the two leading canine charities, the Kennel Club and Dogs Trust, about the rights and wrongs of jogging with pets and what tips pet-owning runners should remember before taking to the pavement or park.

The Dogs Trust told me: “While we support the efforts of owners to keep their dogs healthy, some approaches can be less benefi cial than others.
“During running and cycling the pace of the exercise is dictated by the owner, whereas when walking with a dog it is easier to appreciate when the dog might need to stop for a break or to take a slower pace to allow them to sniff and explore, using all of their senses.

“Dogs may become dehydrated much more quickly than their owner while accompanying them on a run or cycle, particularly on a hot day, and therefore owners should take frequent breaks to provide water to their dog. Owners can enjoy exercising with their dogs but just need to remember to go at the dog’s pace, stop regularly and bring plenty of water for both them and their dog.”

The Kennel Club has seven points to remember before you begin pounding the streets with your hound, and they are:

? Certain breeds of dog are better suited than others for running so check with your vet before starting.

? You would not expect an unfit friend to happily join you on a 10-mile run, and it is the same with dogs. They need to be healthy to enjoy their running sessions, so start gently and build them up.

? Clean up even if it means bringing your jogging session to an abrupt halt. Always be sure to carry poo bags before you go for a run and follow the usual courtesies when exercising dogs.

? Keep your dog hydrated. Carry water for both of you.

? Remember the rules of the road. When running make sure that your dog is near to you so that you are not blocking the pavement.

? It is also important to realise that dogs are less tolerant of heat than humans. Keep an eye on your pet at all times and stop whenever they show signs of any discomfort, particularly overheating.

? Be aware that although you may be comfortable this may not be the case for your canine companion. Signs of overheating include panting, disorientation, excessive thirst, dark gums, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Taguri: with the dog, the most of jogging, HOW TO MAKE, Winter's Tails

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