Watch The First Trailer For The Wolverine Sequel Logan


It’s hard to believe that Hugh Jackman started playing Wolverine 16 years ago in the 2000 film adaptation of the Marvel Comics book X-Men, and even though the actor just recently turned 48, he doesn’t look as old as he does in the trailer for his latest performance of the Canadian superhero.

In the trailer for Logan, you see a much older Wolverine. One who shakes as he’s standing still, and who looks as if his healing factor isn’t quite what it used to be. The world has changed, and as Logan says in the trailer, mutants are gone. He appears to be without purpose, until his mentor Professor X (played once more by Patrick Stewart) introduces him to a young mutant girl that he says is very much like Logan. If the rumours are true, the girl will be x-23, a female clone of Wolverine.

As for the villains of the film, so far we know of Caliban, a mutant tracker played by Stephen Merchant, and Donald Pierce, a cyborg who belongs to the group of altered humans called the Reavers. Pierce is played by Boyd Holbrook.

The preview uses Johnny Cash’s version of the Nine Inch Nails song Hurt as a soundtrack, which gives the the clip a somber, desolate feel. The film itself is directed by James Mangold, who directed the 2013 film The Wolverine. Logan marks Jackman’s ninth and final performance as the mutant superhero. After the successful R-rated adaptation of the comic book Deadpool, Logan will be R-rated as well when it hits theaters on March 3, 2017.


Taguri: Sequel, for, first, Trailer, The, Wolverine, Logan, Watch

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