WATCH: Inspirational 2-Year-Old Amputee Takes First Steps, Tells Trainer “I Got It”


Meet Kayden Elijah Kinckle, a New Jersey toddler who was born with a condition called omphalocele, a type of abdominal wall defect in which the intestines, liver, bladder and other organs remain outside the body.

After Kayden had his right foot and left leg amputated after birth due to a deformity caused by his condition, the child was fitted with a new leg and put on course to learn how to use it with the help of a walker.

In the video above, which was uploaded on YouTube late last week, his mom and a walking coach help Kayden take his first steps with the walker. But instead of feeling down on himself or giving up, the persistent young toddler keeps at it, even telling the two women,“I got it” as he pushes on.

And after watching this video we have no doubt that little Kayden most definitely has got this and whatever challenge comes his way in the future. Check it out and you’ll agree.

Taguri: Inspirational, Watch

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