Toxic orange cloud near Barcelona after chemical blast

World News

Three injured and thousands told to stay indoors after chemical explosion at a warehouse spread a large, orange toxic cloud over towns in northeastern Spain

Three people were injured in an explosion at a chemical plant near Barcelona on Thursday and thousands of people were forced to stay indoors as a large toxic cloud spread over the area.

The regional government of Catalonia said that the blast appeared to have been caused by two chemicals coming into contact during delivery to the plant, owned by Spanish company Simar.

A thick orange cloud could be seen emanating from the site in Igualada, some 60km (40 miles) from Barcelona, according to pictures and television footage of the incident, before spreading over residential areas nearby.

Catalan authorities told people to shut their windows and stay inside as a precaution, and cut off some roads in the area as well as a train line.

One of the two chemicals involved, nitric acid, was corrosive and toxic, authorities said.

Taguri: northeastern, Orange, Toxic, chemical, Barcelona, Cloud, Spain, explosion

World News
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