Tips to clean suede shoes


If you own a pair of suede shoes, then cleaning may be a tough task for you as this material is soft and is made from the underside of the hide and thus is very delicate, and prone to getting dirty, especially of any dark colored suede shoes, here are tips to clean it-

For this you need a suede cleaning kit that has a double sided brush,  a suede protector and a suede cleaner, clean the area vigorously that has scuffing marks with the harder side of the suede brush, if you are wearing it very first time then use the suede protector, don't use wet brush, make it a point to clean shoes immediately after every wear.

Taguri: Clean shoes point, Very delicate, Suede protector, Suede brush, clean, Suede shoes, Immediately, Harder side, Vigorously, Scuffing marks

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