The Dutchman is trying to sell the lamp from his amputated leg

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The Dutchman is trying to sell the lamp from his amputated leg over the internet.
A resident of the Netherlands tried to sell on the internet auction site eBay his amputated leg, turned into a lamp. First, 53-year-old Leo Bonte put a lot of effort to get permission to take severed leg home from the hospital, and then at the request of designer Willem Shaperkotter turned it into a lamp , according to  The Mirror .

Recently, the Dutchman put the original product on eBay with a starting price of 100 thousand euros, but its announcement of the sale was soon removed because it violates the policy of an online auction, which prohibits the sale of human body parts.

The doctors decided to amputate his right leg man, when he received a dangerous infection after breaking in July 2012. According Bont, then each jokingly tried to push him into the pool, but he slipped and fell buddy on top of him, breaking his leg. After numerous operations for the treatment of a number of complex fractures of the man earned a bacterial infection that has become corrode his knee. In June 2014 it was decided to amputation because of far-gone process.

Even before the amputation Bont conceived to make the cut of the leg lamp and began to seek her extradition instead adopted in such cases destruction. Please Dutchman led to confusion medical staff - according to the law amputation belongs to the hospital, and the doctors responsible for her "destiny." Cut off part of the staff must destroy.

However Bont insisted that the foot is his property. In the end, the hospital has made concessions to produce the final patient. Pathologist helped him save his leg in formaldehyde.When Bont recovered from surgery, his severed leg was the basis for a large LED lamp.

Once in a difficult financial situation, decided to put Bont leg-lamp up for auction on the Internet. The Dutchman told reporters that he plans to use the proceeds from the sale of products to buy good bionic prosthesis. He also wants to create a fund that would help adjust to life those who have suffered amputation. At the moment a man looks for other Internet site, where you could sell the leg.

At the auctions, including the Internet, often sell very unusual items. In May, residents of the Canadian island of Newfoundland tried via the Internet to get rid of the huge carcass of a sperm whale, beached. Residents of the town of Cape St. George whale put on eBay and even found a buyer willing to pay $ 2,000. However, the deal fell through because of a violation of the rules of trading.

In Brazil, in 2008, caused a real stir sale by auction of the property arrested drug baron.Especially popular underwear Juan Carlos Ramirez Abad, as mobsters arrested in the same underwear. Buy inter alia for 35 pence panties drug kingpin accused of killing more than 300 people, like so many who wish that the police dispersed the crowd using pepper spray, and one woman was hospitalized.

Taguri: Leg, Trying, Lamp, amputated, Dutchman

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