The Best Photo Editing Apps for iPhone Users


Editing your photos on your iPhone can dramatically enhance their visual impact, transforming a normal photo into an incredible one. However, with the number of photo editing apps available, how will you know which one is the best? If you are new to editing photos with your iPhone, it can be hard to pick the best. But, regardless of your experience in photography, here are some of the best photo editing apps you can consider:


App store:


Once you ask any iPhone photographer for a list of the finest photo editing apps, it would surely include Snapseed, which is one of the famous photo editing apps for iPhone and that is for good reason. It is very easy to use and provides a powerful collection of tools, which can take your photos from OK to WOW. Snapseed excels in every basic photo processing technique including sharpening, straightening, cropping, color adjustments and exposure. If you are a beginner to iPhone photography, it must be one of your first apps you should download.


App Store:


Another famous editing app for iPhone users is VSCO. While it functions as a camera app, it is rich in filters as well as editing tools. VSCO, which stands for Visual Supply Company, built their reputation in the world of photography through creating exceptional film emulation presets, which can be utilized with Adobe Lightroom. When compared to other apps where filters can be a bit harsh, the filters of VSCO are designed to emulate modern and classic analog films. Majority of these filters feature a slightly faded, soft look that quickly becomes very famous among mobile photographers.

Filterstorm Neue

App Store:


It offers a lot of features as well as editing control of powerful desktop applications like Photoshop and Lightroom, yet in a mobile-friendly format. If you are interested to learn more advanced editing tactics and you wish to take your photography to another level, it is worth investing some of your time to learn how to use Filterstorm Neue.
Aside from the typical photo editing tools, this app includes a mobile implementation of powerful Curves control for contrast and fine-tuning brightness. It takes time to learn how to use the Curves tool, yet once you do, you won’t have to use the adjustment sliders ever again. Another feature of this app is that it is capable of selectively apply the adjustments through several tools including a powerful masking brush and linear and radial gradient filters.


App Store:


If you want to experiment with applying textures and some creative effects to iPhone photos, there are numerous apps you can consider, but Mextures is considered as one of the best.


App Store:


It has a broad collection of advanced and basic editing tools and a selection of more artistic and whimsical effects to get creative with your images. With a lot of features, this app may take a bit of time to understand, yet every tool included is very intuitive. In addition to that, Enlight has one of the finest built-in help feature.

Taguri: Iphone, for, Photo, apps, editing, users, the best

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