The Benefits of Playing Sport


Playing sport is really exciting and can make somebody happy. By playing sport, we can dig up our talent in the sport. There are a lot of sports that you can play such as football, tennis, badminton, and volleyball. You can play these sports with other people or your friends with fun. In fact, playing a sport does not only give you fun, but also give you some benefits. The benefit of playing sport are quite significant for our health somehow.

benefits of playing sports

There are some benefits of playing sport. Playing sport can make you healthy. Since, when we play sports such as football, badminton, tennis, and many more, we will move a lot. Thereby, when we move a lot, we will produce so much sweat from our body. Some toxins inside our body will be removed out through the sweat. Playing sport can also control our body weight. We can burn a lot of fat inside our body and reduce some cholesterol, so we will get slim body. It can also prevent us to get a heart attack. Suppose you are in a bad mood; you can also play some sports to get relaxation. You only need around thirty minutes to play a tennis for instance. After thirty minutes, feel the difference, you will be feeling better and relax.

If you do not feel energetic or have no spirit every day, playing sport can be the solution. Physical activity can increase the oxygen and nutrient to the body cell due to masculine strength increasing. The result is that you will get more energy and power. It can make our lung and heart work efficiently, so the energy produced will get bigger as well. One another benefit of playing sport is to increase our memory. Playing sport regularly can help us for increasing concentration, creativity, and health. The oxygen in our blood will increase, so it can smoothen the blood circulation to our brain. Since brain needs some blood and oxygen so that we can think freshly with full of concentration.

Playing sport can be done anytime, whenever you get time, there you can use your leisure time for sporting. Generally, sporting is done in the morning and in the afternoon. Fresh air in the morning is really good for our health while doing some exercising. After returning from work, in the afternoon, you can play sport with your friends such as playing table tennis, volleyball, or football.


In conclusion, playing sport is very important for everybody anyway. It does not only give us health but also fun. However, playing sport is just an alternative to getting its benefit. In fact, you still can do a little exercising at home like gym and run to get the same benefit, but it is not as exciting as playing sport. Which one do you choose? Playing sport cannot be done alone, you should have friends to play tennis, football, badminton, and many more. In fact, the benefits of playing sport and self-exercising for our health are just the same anyway.

Taguri: The, Benefits, of, Playing, sport

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