Rihanna Named Puma's Global Ambassador


Rihanna has just been named the global ambassador for Puma!

The 26-year-old entertainer will be acting as the Creative Director for Puma’s Women’s Training Category beginning in the new year and it will be a multi-year partnership between her and the brand!

Be sure to look out for RiRi‘s new ad campaigns with Puma, which should hit sometime in the new year.

Rihanna is currently at Puma’s headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Germany for her first creative session with the design team.

“Signing Rihanna is a fantastic step for Puma. Her global profile, her charisma and individuality, her ambition – all these things make her a perfect ambassador for our brand. She also aligns perfectly with the values Puma strives for: to be Confident, Brave, Determined, and Joyful. With a strong portfolio in football, running, and motorsport, finding an inspiring partner for women’s training was very important. Rihanna was a natural choice for us. We’re delighted to have her as a partner, and we’re looking forward to what’s to come,” Björn Gulden, CEO of Puma, said in a statement.

Rihanna had some fun on her Instagram account after sharing the news and showing off some of her Puma gear. “Hello #PUMA” she posted with one pic. See them below!

FYI: Rihanna is wearing the classic Puma “Basket” shoe with a customized creeper sole.

Taguri: named, Rihanna, Global, Puma's, Ambassador

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