Proposal Goes Catastrophically Wronng


(Photo: Twitter via NLTimes)

A man from the Dutch town of Ijsselstein has been left red-faced after his romantic proposal ended in a crane crashing through his girlfriend’s neighbour’s roof. Awks.

The unnamed guy had hired the crane to help lower him over his lover’s house and into her garden… but disaster struck when the crane lost its balance and crashed into the house next door. We’re guessing the resident’s were unimpressed.

Emergency services spokesperson Jelle Mulder told AFP: “The crane the man wanted to use to propose fell on a house. During the attempt to right it, the crane unfortunately slipped and fell on the house again.

(Photo: YouTube/World Network TV)

“We’re looking at the best way to lift the crane without it falling again. The people in the house the crane fell on are deeply shocked.”


But while the neighbours wait to find out if their house is to be demolished after the crane is removed, the man proposed anyway… and his girlfriend said yes. They’re now, er, enjoying a nice holiday.


We hope he let her neighbours crash at his place while they’re away...

Taguri: Catastrophically, Proposal, Goes, Wronng

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