Lucky escape: 50 Cent rushed to hospital after monster truck rams his bullet-proof car in New York

Concern: The singer was taken to hospital in a neck brace

50 Cent was rushed to hospital after a huge lorry rammed into the back of his car,

The rapper had a lucky escape when the monster Mack truck rammed his bullet-proof SUV in New York in the early hours.


Thisis50.com50 Cent taken to hospital after a car crash
Injuries: Doctors treated the singer before later discharging him


A rep said: “He was taken to New York Hospital Queens where he was treated for minor neck and back injuries.

"He was released and is doing fine.”


50 Cent (Pic:Getty Images)
Money: The rapper is listed as the fifth-wealthiest hip-hop artist by Forbes in April, with a net worth of $110 million


Clearly, as he was later on his website posting a picture of himself being carried away from the crash on a stretcher.

The truck driver is said to have told police he lost control of it after the load shifted on Monday.

50 Cent is worth a little bit more than his name - he was listed as the fifth-wealthiest hip-hop artist by Forbes in April, with a net worth of $110 million.

Taguri: r truck, 50, monste, hospital, rushed, After, To, cent, lucky, Escape

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