Is the infamous black-eyed ghost child a victim of a deadly Victorian plague?

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Black-eyed child was victim of diphtheriaThe black-eyed child ghost picture taken by Christine Hamlett (left) [SWNS]

The spooky apparition first appeared in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, 30 years ago - but recent reports suggest that the ghostly child is back.

Christine Hamlett, who calls herself a rescue medium, claims that her special powers allow the black-eyed child to present itself to her.

She has since captured photographs of the creepy child twice on Cannock Chase - and now suggests that she knows the reason behind the apparition's ghoulish eyes.

The 57-year-old says that the child is probably the victim of diphtheria - a deadly plague which wiped out scores of people in Britain in the Victorian era.

Diphtheria was known for causing victims to suffer paralysis in their eyes, which made their sockets appear sunken and "black-eyed".

When she visited Cannock Chase on October 11, the psychic said she felt she was being "transported back in time" by the spook.

Ms Hamlett, from Cheshire, claims that the ghost is wrecking havoc on shocked residents because it has "unfinished business" - while suggesting that this ghost could be one of many phantoms.

She said: "These spirits need my help. I've been doing this for 40 years and I'm very experienced.

Black-eyed child was victim of diphtheriaChristine Hamlett calls herself a rescue medium [SWNS]

These children are troubled souls and they don't hang around for nothing

Christine Hamlett

"These black-eyed child ghosts are reportedly the bringers of bad news.

"So my advice would be not to interact with them unless you know what you're doing."

Ms Hamlett also suggests that the ghosts have a story to tell, and should be willing to pass on to the other side once they have told their tale.

"These children are troubled souls and they don't hang around for nothing," she said.

"In this case I smelled a strange smell and just felt like I was being taken back in time.

"I think she has something to do with the workhouse.

"I know it is a girl, but I haven't managed to get anything more about her yet.

"At the moment I think she may have been a victim of an outbreak of diphtheria in the area."

At present, Ms Hamlett has not decided if she will return to Cannock Chase, but said she will make a decision once she has analysed her latest set of pictures.

Her latest snap, captured last Friday, appears to show a young child leaning against a tree near to Birches Valley visitors centre.

Taguri: Victorian, of a deadly, Is the, ghost child, black-eyed, inFaMous, a victim, Plague

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