Foods for a big orgasm


Orgasm is the climax of sexual excitement, characterized by intensely pleasurable feelings centred in the genitals, and if you Want to get the same, here are foods to gear you towards a better climax-

For getting that pleasure, can have cranberries juice, have brussels sprouts that gives men a great libido boost, go for oatmeal with flaxseed and nuts a libido-booster, pumpkin seeds are rich source of zinc, which enhance up the female sex drive, sweet potatoes to boost up fertility in men and women, chocolate dipped bananas that is good for libido, the sweet fruit watermelon can increase blood flow to genitals.

Taguri: Pumpkin seeds, Sex Drive, Zinc, Libido boost, orgasm, Pleasurable feelings, Climax, Cranberries juice, Sexual excitement, Rich source

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