Ferrari F80 Supercar Concept by Adriano Raeli @ Top Gear Test (Video)


Italian designer Adriano Raeli reveals the unofficial successor to the Ferrari LaFerrari.

Unfortunately Adriano Raeli does not work for Ferrari despite his Italian roots. Thus, it is unlikely that the Ferrari F80 will ever make it on the streets. Nevertheless, it would be a worthy successor to Ferraris own supercar the LaFerrari.

Adriano Raelis F80 is powered by a 6.3-liter V12 engine with 740 hp and increases its power to 900PS thanks to the Formula 1 KERS system. This force speeds up the independent Ferrari to 100 km/h in only 2.2 seconds . With a top speed of up to 500 km/h Raelis approach would bring genuine Formula 1 experience on the streets.

He was inspired by a so-called NDAD fighter jet and achieved an appearance of a floating Ferrari F80. The entire body is like a work of art and is expected to make the hearts of many supercar fans beat faster. No Doubt If the F80 should be built someday, a wealthy fan will be found quickly.

Taguri: Test, Video, F80, upercar, Top, Raeli, adriano, Gear, Concept, ferrari

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