Celine Dion puts career on hold indefinitely to focus on her and her husband's health


Celine Dion puts her career on hold indefinitely to focus on familyCeline Dion has put her career on hold indefinitely to focus on her and her husband's health[WENN]

The star - who called off a series of shows earlier this month after failing to recover from a throat condition - released a statement announcing the news that her Las Vegas residency and fall tour of Asia would be put on hold.

“I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to my husband's healing, and to do so, it's important for me to dedicate this time to him and to our children,” the statement read.

"I also want to apologise to all my fans everywhere, for inconveniencing them and I thank them so much for their love and support."

Celine Dion puts her career on hold indefinitely to focus on familyThe global superstar said she was taking time out to focus on her husband's recovery [WENN]

Her husband, Rene Angelil, 72, had surgery in December to remove a "cancerous tumour" while 46-year-old Dion has been battling an inflammation in her throat muscles from which she has not yet recovered.

"It's been a very difficult and stressful time for the couple as they deal with the day-to-day challenges of fighting [Angélil's] disease while trying to juggle a very active show business schedule, and raise their three young children," said a publicist for the singer.

"Celine and family have requested that their privacy be respected at this time."

Taguri: indefinitely, Career, Focus, Health, puts, Celine, Dion, hold, husband's

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