The Top 10 Hottest Female Celebrity Butts

I talk about boobs a lot. So much so that people might think that I am strictly a boob woman, but that simply is not true. In fact, I consider myself quite a huge fan of “dat ass”. I love and appreciate booties big and small, and in a world where doing at least 100 squats a day is part of your job, you know the entertainment industry is full of beautiful booties.

The Top 10 Celebrity Sex Tapes of All Time

Celebrities are filmed all the damn time: movies, tv shows, music videos, paparazzi; you’d think that when they’re home alone they’d like to have the cameras off them for a bit. Well, if you thought that you thought WRONG! Celebs are just like us regular folk sometimes and you know what regular folk love? Watching themselves bang.

Top 10 Adam Sandler Movies on Netflix

It’s movie night and the genre of choice is comedy. One name that seems synonymous with different variations of comedy is Adam Sandler. Whether you’re looking for something the whole family can enjoy or something for the adults, Adam Sandler movies can provide what you’re looking for, and will be sure his films will be starred studded. To help make a decision as to which Adam Sandler you should curl up watching, the following lists the top ten Sandler movies available on Netflix, along with some basic information.

Backlash from Fans Over Eminem’s Wembley Performance

According to reports, there was bad sound quality on the set of Eminem’s Wembley performances on both Friday and Saturday night and many fans are feeling like they were robbed and want their money back. Gigwise reported:

Lindsay Lohan Sues Makers of ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Video Game

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Actress Lindsay Lohan is suing the makers of the popular “Grand Theft Auto V” video game, saying it used her likeness without permission, according to a lawsuit filed on Wednesday.

Selena Gomez Without Makeup

Disney’s meteoric star, Selena Gomez has burst onto the scene with a vengeance. Younger, more talented, and hopefully more sensible than Britney; skinnier than Demi Lovato; cleaner than Xtina, this little firecracker is going all the way (maybe even with Justin Bieber, which is gross … but she did play Beezus so we have to love her).

Adriana Lima Without Makeup

Victoria’s Secret model, Brazilian-born Adriana Lima, is a mind-blowingly hateful freak who can give birth and then flounce around nearly naked on network television without a care in the world just a few weeks later. No one on earth likes her.

Adriana Lima Makes Awful Life Choice: Hooks Up With Justin Bieber

Celebrities: they’re just like us. Sometimes they go to parties, get a bit too drunk, and end up hooking up with people who our friends will ridicule us for touching. However, when a celebrity pulls this shit the entire damn world ridicules them, which is exactly what I’m going to do to Adriana Lima now that I know she hooked up with Justin Bieber.

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