Ceasefire violated over 139 times

World News

Pro-Russian rebels and government troops struggled street-to-street in a strategic town in east Ukraine on Tuesday and rejected to draw back their heavy guns, all but sinking hopes that a European-brokered peace contract will conclude months of violence. Two days after a ceasefire went into effect, the contract reached at all-night discussions in the Belarussian capital Minsk previous Thursday was solved rapidly.

The Moscow-backed rebels say the truce does not implement to the main war front at the town of Debaltseve, extending across a railway hub, where they have a Ukrainian military garrison surrounded. They have carried on an all-out attack. Kiev acknowledged that rebels had struggled their way into the town and seized some of its forces defending it.

Taguri: Pro-Russian, violated, Moscow, Ceasefire, Kiev, European, Minsk, ukraine, 139 times, Belarussian

World News
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