16 Injured in Powerful Blast Near US Embassy in Kabul: Reports

World News

MOSCOW, September 16 (RIA Novosti) - A powerful explosion occurred near the main entrance to the United States Embassy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, leaving 16 people injured, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported on Tuesday.

The explosion targeting a foreign military convoy was carried out at 8:00 a.m. local time (3:30 GMT) during heavy rush-hour traffic on the Kabul Airport road according to AFP. The blast was the result of a suicide car bomber and destroyed at least one vehicle from the convoy, according to Afghan officials.

Afghan sources say at least 16 people have been injured as a result. Ambulances were sent to the scene as sirens blared.

The attack comes as Afghanistan decides on a new leader, the first time power has been transferred democratically in the country. The country's two presidential contenders, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah continue negotiations to create a national unity government. Reports claim Taliban insurgents have taken advantage of the presidential election's ongoing stalemate and accusations of election fraud to launch attacks. In July, a Taliban suicide bomber killed four people in an attack outside of Kabul airport.

Taguri: Kabul, Abdullah Abdullah, US embassy attack, Taliban, Afghanistan

World News
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