Țara care produce jumătate din decorațiunile de Crăciun ale lumii
Moș Crăciun chiar are un atelier unde produce majoritatea decorațiunilor și jucăriilor de Crăciun, dar se află la mii de kilometri distanță de Polul Nord.
Top 5 cele mai colorate orașe turistice din lume.
Vrei o vacanță plină de culoare într-o destinație care să-ți ofere la orice pas un cadru ideal pentru fotografii superbe? Agențiile de turism primesc din ce în ce mai multe cereri bazate pe aceste criterii de la clienți dornici să se întoarcă din concediu mai bogați cu zeci de poze de sute de like-uri pe rețelele de socializare.
TOP cele mai frumoase monumente de aur din lume
Iată un tur virtual în fotografii al celor mai frumoase monumente de aur din lume:
Descoperire uimitoare în faimosul templu din Luxor, Egipt
Templului vechi, care este renumit pentru cei doi colosi ce il reprezinta pe Amenhotep al III-lea, i s-au adaugat alte doua statui uriase ale faraonului din cuart rosu, ridicate de arheologi, dupa reastaurare.
O gaşcă de hoţi din India a săpat un tunel de opt metri pentru a jefui o bancă
O gaşcă de hoţi din oraşul indian Mumbai a refuit o bancă guvernamentală după ce a reuşit să între săpând un tunel lung de opt metri. Toată operaţiunea le-a luat mai bine de patru luni, relatează BBC. Citeste mai mult: adev.ro/ozfu7e
Ei sunt cei mai mari campioni la prostie
Păcat că prostia nu doare! Dacă ar fi durut, mulţi s-ar fi răscolit în chinuri. Ziarul numărul 1 din România, Click!, vă prezintă în premieră finaliştii unui campionat mondial inedit: competiţia celor mai neinspirate invenţii şi gafe. Şi cum atunci când faci o boacănă este bine să o şi semnalezi, majoritatea fotografiilor au fost culese de pe Internet.
Jocuri care au prevăzut viitorul, de la situația din Coreea de Nord la Putin
De la prezicerea războiului din Georgia și până la succesiunea lui Kim Jong- un, aceste jocuri video prezic destul de bine evenimentele din lumea reală, scriu cei de la Playtech.ro.
Sheriff Is A Little Unhappy His Favorite Shop Was Robbed
A local mom-and-pop grocery was recently robbed in Acadiana, Louisiana, and the local police are a little unhappy about it. Most people don’t really care when the Crime Stoppers report comes on the local news, but this most recent one has certainly made a hit across the internet with over 1,000,000 views already.
Every Way 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Is the Biggest, Fastest, Strongest, and Best Marvel Movie Yet
How do you try to top a movie like The Avengers? You don’t. At least, that’s what they’ll say. When it came out in 2012, Avengers revolutionized the way Hollywood makes superhero movies and became the third highest grossing movie ever. But director Joss Whedon and the Marvel machine did top it withAge of Ultron, the endlessly entertaining sequel that still manages to pack an emotional punch. (We cried! But more on that Monday -- it’s too spoilery).
" Russian Stop the Bully" ENGLISH subtitles
None of the drivers in this video was ever officially prosecuted (yet, hopefully). The indecent near "Europe shopping center" mentioned at the and of this video is the only know case when somebody was officially prosecuted(but it was much much worse than in this case). It''s OK in Russia to drive ANYwhere one want and park your car literally ANYwhere one want without a risk to get even a ticket.
The woman with Europe's largest fake breasts
Beshine currently holds the title of “Biggest Breasts in Europe” and though she started her boob od(d)yssey as a humble B cup, she's now a mind boggling Z-cup, thanks to expander implants which she refills as regularly as she can.
The deadly accident involving two trains and trucks occurred at half past nine in the morning (on MSK) on Saturday November 22.
Stunning 3D-drawings Ramona Bruijn
Dutch painter Ramon Bruin focused on creating multi-layered illusions using multiple sheets of paper. If you look at these images at a certain angle, they seem remarkably realistic and voluminous.
This Man Has A Very Sweet Reason For Jumping Into A Frozen Lake
Would you have done the same?
This Homeless Bodybuilder Gets Ripped to Make His Grandchildren Proud
He may not have a roof over his head, but a man who lives on the streets of Paris maintains the physic of an athlete.
Magician Escapes Parking Ticket with Rubik’s Cube Trick (VIDEO)
Every single day, there are countless drivers who try to weasel their way out of a ticket. Whether they are speeding, running red lights or parking illegally, people will do whatever they can to avoid paying a fine.
THE Great Storm of 1703, the worst storm ever to hit Britain, reached its peak on the night of November 26-27, 1703.
IN PICTURES: Nudity and Santa – 10 of the most AWKWARD Christmas family photos
NAKED FAMILIES huddled together in front of the tree, tie-dye festive jumpers and blood-curdling Christmas clowns – welcome to the uncomfortably weird world of awkward family photos.
10 Signs You’re On the Right Track to Being a Millionaire
Getting rich and becoming a millionaire may seem like a fantasy, but it’s not so far-fetched. There are a lot of key habits that millionaires have that attribute to their success. We did a little research on how millionaires live their everyday lives and compiled a list for you.
How To Super Boost Your Productivity By Taking Quick Nap
It is now generally accepted that a short sleep or nap in the afternoon will boost your productivity and get you raring to go again.
4 Strategies to Make More Progress in the Gym
There’s always going to be a few bumps along the road to becoming fit.
10 Secrets of Jay-Z’s Successful Life
Jay-Z is one of the highest earning artists in the music industry. Forbesestimates his net worth to be around $520 million in 2014. He is also married to another powerhouse in the music industry, Beyonce Knowles. Together, their combined 2014 net worth is around $900 million.
CHARLES DARWIN'S book On The Origin Of Species was first published on November 24, 1859.
First upload. This is a DC-10 Air Tanker drop on the Assayii Lake fire in New Mexico.
THE 9/11 attacks on the World Trade complex in New York and the Pentagon took place 13 years ago today.
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