Some people think that sexual infidelity is the main cause of divorce. But, they’ve got it all wrong. There are many reasons why married couples get divorced and some of these include the following:
1. Marrying for Wrong Reasons
Marrying for money is one of the reasons why some couples get divorced. In fact, a lot of couples say that this problem made them leave the relationship. Others just agree for marriage just because they’re offered with money.
2. Becoming Lost in the Roles
Just as numerous couples forget their single friends as well as single ways once they get married, when you add the kids into the mix, majority of parents soon forget they’re a couple. As kids grow and require less attention, several wives and husbands find that they’ve grown apart and can’t remember why they got married.
3. Lack of Individual Identity
Co-dependent relationships aren’t healthy. Once you do not have your own interests or a chance to express yourself, you become couple dumb.
4. Don’t Have Shared Vision of Success
Some people think that once they got married everything has changed. Your idea of relaxing on a resort might not be the same with your partner. Chances are, you or your partner has not changed, yet your expectations did.
5. Intimacy Disappears
At some point in time, there will be a change when it comes to intimacy. Generally, men need sexual receptivity to feel romantic, while women need romance to be sexual receptive.
6. Unmet Expectations
Once a person is not happy, she or he is supposed to force significant to make the changes needed to make the sad person to be happy again. Usually, it takes the form of blaming, criticizing, threatening, bribing, punishing, complaining or nagging.
7. Finances
It isn’t typically the lack of finances, which causes the divorce, yet the lack of compatibility. Opposites may attract, yet once two persons are opposites in the department of finances, divorce frequently ensues.
8. Out of Reach
When it comes to physical contact, experts said that it is important that every couple has physical contact. Yes, it is true that sex is good, but you also have to supplement this with goodbye kisses, holding hands, and impromptu hugs. Couples who do not maintain an intimate connection through sexual and non-sexual actions are said to be destined to be virtual strangers.
9. Different Interests and Priorities
Having a shared interest and exploring these together is important for a marriage to be successful. Having an alone time is also important, yet unless, you can find common passions and search for ways to experience them together and you will inevitably grow farther.
10. Inability to Resolve Some Conflicts
Each couple has disagreements. The key is developing ground rules so that every partner heard and feels respected. In some cases, it takes a 3rd party referee to assist in defining such rules and teach people to move through charged emotions so resentments do not linger.