SHOCKING: SEE What This 18-Yr-Old Mum Did To Her Five-Yr-Old Daughter [PHOTO] An 18-year-old girl and mother of one, Kate Ajie, has been arraigned before a Rivers State court over assault and child abuse to her five-year-old daughter, Divine. 7 Wonderful Reasons You Deserve Love Unfortunately, the world is a lonely place for many people, especially for those who have been hurt for many times. In spite of heartbreaks you should look for a person who will really appreciate you. We often suffer from love, because it is part of pain and part of something wonderful at the same time. Sometimes it’s necessary to struggle for your love and happiness. That’s why you shouldn’t become despondent if something is going wrong in your relationships. You should realize that you are wonderful and unique in this world. Just remove the blocks of unworthiness and let yourself feel happy and loved. Here are 7 reasons why you deserve love for you to read and keep in mind. 7 Effective Ways to Lose Weight Walking There are many great physical and mental benefits of getting in shape. One of the best benefits is definitely a healthy and longer life. If you want to get in shape but don’t like to run every day, you can lose those pounds walking. Walking is an excellent exercise that you can do anytime and anywhere. However, you should also stick to a healthy diet, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. Check out a few effective ways to lose weight walking. Comic-Con: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter Meet on Convention Exclusive Poster Marvel Entertainment (via TV Guide) has revealed a new poster that they'll be given away for free at San Diego Comic-Con that features both "Marvel's Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." and the upcoming "Marvel's Agent Carter." Check it out below and snag your own at the Marvel booth (#2329) next week! You’re about to learn, hands down, the best way to successfully get a girl to kiss you without fear of rejection. In the advanced version of this technique, you can even get the girl you’re talking to, to lean in to kiss you! DUDE YOU ARE STUCK IN THE FRIEND ZONE. HERE IS HOW TO GET OUT OF IT WITH STYLE There is a myth that men and women can be friends, but sometimes being friends is exactly what you don’t want. It’s nice to have a few friends who are girls, but what should you do if your feelings suddenly change? What should a guy do when he wants his friend to be his girlfriend? It’s a tricky situation, but we can help you escape the friend zone. Fart smells have health benefits, according to Exeter University researchers The smell of flatulence has secret health benefits - and could help stave off cancer, strokes, heart attacks and dementia, scientists have revealed. 8 Habits That Speed Up the Aging Process Premature aging is a subject that concerns most of us, given that it affects not just our physical appearance, but also our overall health. Couple 'caught having sex' on roof of Mexican restaurant 'carried on despite cops arriving' Police claim the duo were 'engaging in sexual intercourse' while being 'clearly visible' on the roof of the Chipotle grill in Delaware 'Dead' Filipino child who woke up at her own funeral pronounced dead again According to reports, doctors have found no signs of life in the girl who came back to life during her funeral on Sunday I’d like to introduce you to a brand new smartphone from Sony – the Sony Xperia Z1. This phone comes with an absolutely beautiful 5-inch full HD display with Sony’s Triluminos technology which we’ve seen in other Sony phones such as the Sony Xperia Z Ultra. Top 20 Things to Do In Istanbul History has stood witness to the rise and fall of empires in Istanbul. The city in itself is nothing but an art form that has witnessed men fall in love and murder their enemies, that has seen wars and ceremonies, technology and tradition all combined on one soil. Every phase or generation who has breathed their lives on this soil never forgot to leave behind their memento. Every corner of the country has a tale to unfold, a mystery hidden behind its walls and a story left unfinished. However, the nation never lacked in finesse. There was culture, tradition, music, art, education, religious studies galore. This does not entail that the city is devoid of any fun and frolic. One can taste the best cuisines and enjoy good music in some of its modern day pubs. The nightlife is also something that will prove that the city has tried to stay abreast with the modern day culture. The change in technology has nearly changed every part of life. Computers are the chief cause of this revolution. Music is the most changed aspect of technology. The rise of music making software has brought a noticeable revolution in the music industry. This software has eased the once strenuous process of music production. People, at the moment, can produce quality music with their own computers provided they have the correct music making software. New method for calculating childbirth allowance takes effect on April 1 The women no longer need a required length of service to be able to receive childbirth allowance for the prenatal and postnatal leave, which is paid once for the whole period based on the medical leave certificate. The new amendments to the legislation will come into force on April 1, IPN reports. This Former Playboy Bunny Just Converted to Islam Felixia Yeap went from working as a kindergarten teacher to becoming the first Malaysian Playboy Bunny. How to Shatter the Four Fat-Burning Barriers For many people, losing weight and keeping it off isn't just tough, it can be near impossible. The constant setbacks and painful yo-yo diets can damage a person's self-confidence, social life, job performance and health, leaving one feeling like a total failure. Woman Sunbathes Naked Out of Window, Causes Cars to Crash Well that’s one way to get an all-over tan. A New Advanced Diet Formula That's Actually Backed by Testing and Research It seems like every day there's another new weight loss product on the market, and just as quickly some pill or supplement is being recalled — either because they don't work or they're not safe. One of the key reasons for this is simple: money. This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge — like weaker workouts, slower recovery, or not performing in the bedroom the way you used to. What Is The Best Non-Prescription Eyelash Enhancer? Eyelash enhancers are the latest beauty trend these days, and cosmetic companies everywhere are launching products that promise to give women longer, fuller, and darker lashes without the fuss of mascara or false lashes. But, with all these options, it’s hard to know what really works and what doesn’t. Meet Chris Kohrs, San Francisco’s ‘hot cop’ TORONTO – Ladies and gentlemen, meet Chris Kohrs — San Francisco’s hottest cop. Ce rişti dacă vorbeşti 30 de minute pe zi la telefonul mobil Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii suţine că persoanele care vorbesc în medie 30 de minute pe zi la telefonul mobil au un risc cu 40% mai mare de a dezvolta gliom, o formă de cancer cerebral. În plus, cercetătorii au raportat şi alte efecte secundare ale folosirii celularelor, cum ar fi schimbarea timpului de reacţie, somnolenţă sau schimbări ale activităţii cerebrale. SOCANT: Vrea sa devina CEA MAI GRASA femeie din lume. Isi pune fiica de 4 ani sa ii cumpere mancare Donna Simpson, o femeie din Statele Unite, a uimit pe toata lumea cu visul ei. Si asta nu intr-un sens pozitiv. TOP 10 cele mai ciudate cereri de viză Un sud-african a aplicat pentru o viză europeană motivînd că vrea să vină în România pentru a îşi cîştiga traiul "vînînd vampiri" relatează cotidianul Daily Star, care citează un top 10 al celor mai bizare cereri de viză din întreaga lume. Cine a fost, de fapt, strămoşul omului? Cel puţin trei specii umane trăiau în Africa în urmă cu cca. 2 milioane de ani, contrazicând impresia că a existat o evoluţie simplă, liniară, de la o singură primată strămoş al omului la specia umană modernă. Fosile descoperite recent în Kenya arată că exista o diversitate de forme primitive de oameni, printre care şi strămoşii omului de azi. Un barbat care avea intentii sinucigase a fost salvat de catre sotia sac and incerca sa se arunce pe fereastra dormitorului. Lauren Thomas, o adolescenta in varsta de 16 ani din Marea Britanie, a avut parte de o experienta traumatizanta, pe care cu siguranta nu o va uita toata viata. |