1. The Ford Motor Company sold its first car on July 23, 1903.
2. July 23, 1886 was the date of birth of Sir Arthur Whitten Brown, who with John Alcock in 1919 co-captained the first non-stop transatlantic flight.
3. The first live transatlantic TV programme was relayed by the satellite Telstar on July 23, 1962.
4. The earliest known wheels on carts date from around 3,500 BC; ships with oars appeared around the same time.
5. The earliest known evidence of horse riding dates back to about 4,500BC…
6. …but iron horseshoes did not appear until about AD770.
7. The earliest known public bus service was introduced by the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1662.
8. In 2001, to draw attention to the absurdity of a new system of “innovation patents”, an Australian lawyer patented a “circular transportation facilitation device”, which was actually a wheel.
9. Until 1930 anyone riding a bike in the UK was officially obliged to ring the bell all the time.
10. In 1875, a Frenchman named Huret patented a form of transport powered by dogs on a treadmill.Ten things you never knew about... transport.